Product documentation
MFS App Installation


The Mobile Field Service client is available in the Google PlayStore, the App Store and the Windows Store.


Apple App Store: Mobile Field Service 4.1



Google Play Store: Mobile Field Service 4.1

Note: If your devices are using Android version 9 or higher you must setup a secure Web Service URL https://.  Https is always recommended.



Windows Store: Mobile Field Service 4.1



Demo mode

It is possible to run the app in a demo mode for experiencing the look and feel, without having to connect to a server. To do that, on the login page of the client, go to the Settings icon and go to the section Connection.

In the section Connection fill in http://demo in the field Web Service URL and click save. Click on the Dashboard icon in the left section and you will be redirected to the login page.


To log in, use username DEMO and password 123. When getting the message that you are running in demo mode, click 'OK' and select a warehouse to start.